

Sustainable Development Dialogues -Discussion with Brazilian minister

2012年4月26日NY国連本部 Rio+20 Major Group Meeting 9:00-10:00

Gov of Brazil:
16-19 June
Sustainable Development for fighting poverty
SD as an answer to fin and eco crisis
Unemployment, decent work and migration
economics of sd, including SCP
food and nutrition security
Sustainable energy for all
sustainable cities and innovation

The dialogues will have 10 guests per issue discussing with an audience of about 200 people.
Complex process for selecting the panels. Invited UN agencies, Major Groups, the Brazilian national commission on Rio+20 to suggest names for the dialogues.
Got about 800 names. Gender balance, developed/developing countries balance, and good representation of MG.

First round of invitations sent. Acceptance rate very encouraging.
Dialogues: attempt to generate a space for civil society to voice their views, with a channel to the HoS
Dialogues have already begun online. 10-12 recommendations to be passed on to the panel, to select 3 per theme, to be handed to HoS.
Paradox because brazilian gov putting the dialogues, but will not participate in them. no govs or UN agencies represented in the panels.

UNDP on Virtual platform: riodialogues.org
open invitation
dedicated facilitation support for each dialogue. support four languages.
Audience will be by invitation only. count on MG to indicate people to attend. audience split between brazilians and MG.
Broadcasting and webstreaming available.

Iara from People’s summit: we are in good negotiations with federal goverment, but not part of the sustainable development dialogue, but networks are free to be part of it. they consider it a close process.
Gov: SD dialogues very different from people’s summit. dialogues are an additional space provided for civil society.

Trade unions: link between dialogues recommendations and HoS outcome?
Women: link between online discussion and recommendations?

Gov: hopefully virtual discussion would be good enough to gather all recommendations.
we envisage two moderators chosen amongst the 10 members of the panel will hand recommendations to the HoS. Can not predict the effect. discussing about the process to handle the recommendations will imply going to the official process, but would be safe to say that if the quality of the recommendations is good, they will be heard.

Business: any risk that prepcom is extended into dialogue days?
NGO: interaction between panel and public
IBON: costs for space or event at the dialogues is a political problem.

Gov: extension of prepcom will not disrupt dialogues. on costs, lots of sympathy. gov working actively on trying to solve problems but beyond his capacity

Andre Correa do lago: Amazing work by Julio, Henry and UNDP in such a short time frame.
exercise aimed at giving more space for civil society. it doesn’t substitute what civil society does on its own.
Rio is to open a series of processes, so these dialogues are about showing how CSO can be involved on them.

Adding some of my notes on the meeting:
This is not an intergovernmental process – so the weight of the proposals coming from the themes will be handed over to the heads of states – but we cannot predict what they will do with them.

How can civil society be more active or better heard in the processes we are going to open in Rio+20? The SD Dialogues does not substitute at all to what civil society does by itself – but what we are trying to do is to show a bit of way on how we can have civil society more present in those processes. This is not a Dialogue thinking of the negotiating document – this is a dialogue of how we are going to prioritize what we do.